Paper Hearts with Music Notes Background

Music Theory Can Change Your Life,


Music Theory Can Change Your Life,


This may seem like a surprisingly silly sounding ​statement but even then...right there, YOU reading ​this string of words starting with “S” this simple ​use of alliteration...YOU just used Music Theory!

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Impossible? Anything is possible when you put your mind to it. Perhaps an overused ​statement but it does not make it any less valid. When you read that underlined ​phrase, you used the appropriate RHYTHM. Rhythm is not just one of the hardest ​things in the world to properly define (just take a look at how different every ​single dictionary defines it) but it is one of the most important aspects of music ​theory. That’s right, it is not ONLY scales and chords that make up this language but ​how and where you use them. Between learning to trust the very innate musical ​senses you already possess and learning to recognize the patterns and concepts ​that govern all music, YOU can learn how to listen like a trained musician does AND ​apply these ideals to your very own life. This includes everyday numbers and even ​concepts as important and life changing as conflict resolutions.

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Have you always wanted to listen to music like professionals do? Do you ever ​think to yourself “I know I’ve heard that before!” Imagine being able to harness the ​power you already possess simply because you are a human being?! IF SO, I truly ​believe I can put things into perspective for you. Here are a few of the earlier ​concepts that will come up in this course. Feel free to grab these pages and start ​thinking about these concepts. One of the most important things with any topic like ​this is to eternally be a student. I personally still learn many things while ​teaching others and I’ve been teaching music for over 25 years now! Please use the ​link below to contact me and see if you would like to take this class, it could ​change your life.